Thursday, March 1, 2012

POST-Chemo Tests

Mixed news of sorts from the PET/CT.  My tumors haven't shrunk at all, nor have they grown.  My brain/lungs/kidneys etc etc are all still clear, basically the scan looked the same as before markers are all in the normal range still but my two larger ones 4.2&4.3cm ones are still the same size.  Dr said they are either teratoma (Though he suspects they would ahve grown a bit over the ~3month course of chemo... ) or just scar tissue left over.  They have no way of knowing so.. urgh RPLND is my next step.

Setting up to meet with some people at MD Anderson, sent Einhorn and email, and so it all begins again.  They also said that post-RPLD if they find anything at all besides scar tissue i will probably get 1-2 rounds of VIP. Fun Fun, just when you think you are done they keep pulling you back in..

UPDATE:  So I have been talking with Dr Einhorn and Dr Foster and Indiana University.  Its one of the "center's of excellence" for Testicular Cancer treatment.  Some places I was reading even list Dr Foster as the "world leading expert in testicular cancer related surgical procedures".  I am going to try and work out with my insurance company and my work to let me take off (probably have to burn vacation days for this one since its a lengthy hospital stay in Indiana).  But, if I am going to have this surgery that scares the crap out of me, I might as well have it done by the BEST!

I will let you all know how it turns out, otherwise Dr Einhorn recommended a surgeon here at MD Anderson we could see if I couldn't make the trip up there.  There are so many things that can go wrong, and your chances of recovery and relapse are directly related to how good your surgeon is I really want to get the best I can.  Not sure how I will pay for all of it, plan travel, hotels, co-pay (or if its not covered AAAaaaah) but we are going to try!


  1. Keep fighting son. They will take the tumors out and fix this. You are doing all the right things. I'm always here for you and love you very much.

  2. Keep up the fight Mike. As I told Jenn again today she has as much time as she needs to get you better. You will beat this.

  3. I've been following your blog ever since my nephew found out that his cancer returned in December and I feel like I know you.
    I'm sorry for the set-back but hang in there. I know that M.D. Anderson is supposed to be one of the best, but I'd fight to see Einhorn and Foster in Indiana, they performed my nephew's RPLD and they are probably the best in the country for testicular cancer.
    Contact your local ACS, they sometimes help with transportation and hotel costs for you and your wife. They are there to help.
    Good luck and thank you for your blog it's been very helpful to me.

  4. Hey Mike;

    I wish the best for you. Currently on Monday I will start my Round 2 Day 1. Your blog helps me a lot.

    Can you elaborate a little bit about where did you take and are you taking your treatment. I read many articles after the initial rounds of BEP, if necessary, further treatment should be followed at Indiana or Sloan. Do you agree? In your opinion and to your experience what is the best and quickest way to get plugged into Indiana after having completed the first 3-4 rounds of BEP at another facility?

    Kindest Regards;
