Monday, December 26, 2011

BEP Round 1 Day 7

I wanted to throw up a status for all you guys following me, I don't have any chemo today (tomorrow I have a Bleo dose).  Today my stomach is rebelling pretty bad, not sure if I just over did it with xmas food, I tried to be conservative, or if this is just how I react to BEP.

I am going to take it very slow on food today, and eat light and easy to digest things.  Also, I am going to drink a lot of fluids to help continue to flush this stuff out of my system and prepare for tomorrow's dose.  If I had any advice to give for the few days after your hell week it would be these three things:
1) Sleep, and let your body recover.
2) Drink lots of fluids and eat light easy to digest things.
3) Stay on your meds even if you don't think you need them.

I don't think I had a full normal day ie O:0 P:0 N:0 T:0 but I had some decent points on xmas where I didn't feel too bad and that's about as much as you can ask for going through this I guess.

 The last week or so has made me realize I am going to have to rethink my approach to "working" while going through chemo a bit.  I am going to have probably work light weeks of ~20 hours during the hard weeks (if that) using some sick days here and there and just make up time where I can.   I think I am also going to work from home alot more than I had originally thought.  I was going to try and go into work pretty much whenever I felt I could, but I think it would be better for me to stay home most days and work from here.  That way if I start feeling bad or need to take a break I can do an hour or so off relaxing or whatever then get back to it.  My office has been fantastic about this whole thing so I am sure it will not be an issue.

I will of course give you all an update tomorrow during/after my Bleo dose which I am hoping goes easy. As an FYI today is my wife and my 2 year anniversary! I love you dear, and again thank you for all your support through this.

7:00PM O:1 P:0 N:1 T:0
So everyone this is probably the best I have felt since I started chemo.  I took it easy today, and rested and drank my weight in fluids :-P.  My wife got me lots of very mild chick broth/chicken/rice to eat which helped settle my stomach, and I mostly just laid around and watched netflix/hulu etc.  I do feel a bit stir crazy since my last day of hell week I have spent so much time sleeping etc but I figure if its what my body needs why not.  Anyway, I am hoping tomorrow's Bleo dose is uneventful aside from some mild tiredness I can see maybe being back to "normal" by mid week.  We are actually moving in a couple of weeks so its important that I can get up and moving around to help pack everything up.  I am REALLY looking forward to our new place, its much more of a "home" than this house is we are currently in right now.  I can't wait to be there, and be closer to work etc so my wife and I don't have an hour each way commute to work and back everyday. As of right now I think I am going to take the first few days of Jan off and work from home then play it by ear. Thank you all again for your support and your continuing awesome comments!!


  1. congrats on you guys for the year would like to wish you all Happy Holidays hope this gets better for you

  2. Thanks for the update, you have no idea how helpful this has been since I am starting my first round of BEP the first week of January. Congratulations on your anniversary as well. Sounds like you found a good one with her... :)
