Monday, February 13, 2012

BEP Round 3 Day 15

So kinda of a cruddy day.  I didn't get my last Bleo dose today for reasons I will get into in a minute, but that means I still have more chemo to go.  I was hoping to post a "I AM DONE" post, since this was my last chemo of my last round.

Anyway, they did my blood work Friday and my red blood cells and hemoglobin were very low.  I convinced the doctor to let me not get a transfusion that day because I wasn't feeling all that bad and maybe it would come up over the weekend.  That didn't happen, today my results were even lower.  So that means I couldn't get my chemo, and I have to do a transfusion tomorrow =(  Its gonna be 2 units of blood, and possibly platelets as well since mine are at 37 right now.  I can't say I am very happy about having to get random blood injected into me, and from what I have read transfusions have quite a few risks in of them selves both known and unknown things can be transferred via those blood units.

They wouldn't let us use blood from Jenn's family because there is a <1% chance that any one person can match you and they wouldn't have time to do all the tests and screening to get me the blood in time (it takes weeks they say).  So that means that I had to choose between just "waiting it out" for a few weeks and letting my body try and recover naturally, all the while giving the cancer more time to rebound without hitting it with that last Bleo... or get the transfusion and only push my chemo back 1 week.  I reluctantly chose the latter, though this is when it would be really good to have your own blood stored up for these types of things IMO.

So, transfusion tomorrow.. more tests later in the week to see how it went... then chemo next week and my CT/PET are pushed off a week as well.  Not really the news I wanted today, but it is what it is I guess.  It also throws a wrench into my plans to get cracking on returning to work.  We have some deadlines fast approaching that I really really need to get back into the swing of things for and this is yet another thing that will slow that progress.  I feel like I just can't "turn the corner" and get back to my life this cancer crap just keeps lingering and popping up with new and interesting ways to impede me.  As my wife reminds me, it could be worse... I could certainly be worse off with more cruddy things to deal with so for that I am thankful but at some point enough is enough man!! HAHAHAHA

I will post some details about the transfusion, how it went what all was involved etc for people that might have to deal with that during their BEP chemo.  Good news is that they can use my port for it so that's one less cruddy thing.  Oh and it takes 2-2.5 hours for each unit of blood, plus the  platelets so I had to charge today off to sick and I will have to do the same thing for tomorrow I am sure.  2 more days wasted, blah.

1 comment:

  1. I hope everything is getting better. Hang in there. I'll keep praying.
