Tuesday, January 10, 2012

BEP Round 2 Day 2

1:51am O:3 P:0 N:4 T:0
So I have had some spikes in nausea up into the 7-8 range, I was talking with my wife about how bad one of the "waves" was and I said something like "It almost feels like if I just THOUGHT of something that smelled bad I would...." and nearly had to run to the bathroom!  Crazy even in my hardest days of Round 1, I was never that sensitive to just thinking about something.  I think its because I waited to eat until about 30 minutes before my Zofran dose.  So that means it was at its weakest and it took about an hour or so to kick in so that's 1.5 hours of me being vulnerable to nausea, and I decide to eat... smart move.  Anyway I said we should probably be more aware of my dosing schedule as it aligns with my eating schedule.  I shouldn't try and eat a big meal at my weakest point, so to speak. Anyway I slept a decent amount last night, and then I slept through most of my session yesterday AND slept for like 4.5 hours mid day when my body just gave out so ... I am not really tired right now.  I am just watching TV, and I did a little work (for you co-workers following this.. Unit Tests are boring so so freaking boring!!!) resisting the urge buy more things on Amazon... HAHAHAHA

My chemo isn't until 10am tomorrow, and its a big day I have my normal E&P rounds but I also have my bleo AND they are going to draw blood to check on my SUPER HUMAN white blood cell count :-P Depending on where that is, we are going to do another nuepogen shot or X however  many the Dr wants.  I think we, I am basing this on zero medical experience, probably won't do more than 1 or 2 considering 4 shot me up to 3x the normal white blood cell and neutophil count HAHAHA but hey he could keep it like that.  It was nice not to have to wear the mask when we ran some errands... being bald is one thing but being bald AND having a medical mask on makes 100% of people stare at you.  With next week being a "Bleo only" week, I am hoping my white blood cells stay up enough to go into work for a little while.  I am getting a good amount of work done here but I have to say its very odd NOT to be at work.  This is coming from some one that probably averages 55-60 hours a week most of the time and can go into the 70s or higher during peak times like before a build being due or something.  Its just very odd to be basically quarantined to the house, my only trips out are to the hospital to get more chemicals pumped into me or the occasional errand where I have to be very careful about anyone around me that could be sick etc.  Its actually funny, my wife and I were talking about how we have become very good observers of people's health.  Are their eyes/cheeks/nose red, do they look "out of it" etc etc.  This one lady sneezed and and I not kidding you I did an immediate 90 degree turn into another aisle before I could even really process WHY I did it.  Anyway I am just rambling now cause its late and I am bored.  I will update you guys/gals later today when I get my chemo etc.

10:30am O:1 P:0 N:1 T:0
So I am feeling much better this morning, my nausea is mostly gone still have that "bubbly" feeling in my stomach.  I described it to the nurse last time as a light "food poising feeling" she didn't know what that meant HAHAHA guess you have to had food poisoning to understand.  I talked to my doctor and we are going to TRY 12.5mg of IV benadryl this time instead of 25 (We started with 50 which immediately knocked me out).  Hopefully that's enough to get the Etoposide from giving me a bad reaction and its low enough to keep it from making me sleep all dern day!  Well I will post more/later as the day unfolds.

3:30pm O:2 P:0 N:3 T:5
All done, Bleo, Cisplatin, Etoposide... swimming around in my body whooping up on Cancer... and my hair what's left of it :-P.  So the moral of the story today is CRAZY amounts of water to get it all flushed out of my system.  Tongue is doing good, no sores yet.  The 12.5mg of benadryl worked, I didn't have a reaction to the Etoposide so that's great we are going to leave it down at that level.. easier for me to function at those lower dosages.  I might try and persuade them to try the full 523ml/hr speed instead of the reduced 400ml/hr speed tomorrow we will see.  All in all I feel ok, very tired but I normally am when I get home from a chemo set and with it being 3 of them today its that much more for my body to deal with.  I am having some nausea issues, but they are minor mostly just uneasy stomach and NOTHING sounds good... like I feel as if maybe I could eat but nothing sounds good and I am apprehensive of what some random thing would do to my already bubbly stomach.  Here is your "chair pic" for the day, I am actually working on a stupid Unit Test and it just refuses to link for some reason AAaaaah I hate linker errors they are so hard to debug.  For you work people reading.. take THAT for commitment 3x Chemo day and BAM still doing work :-P HEHEHEHEHHE

Oh and here is a pic of the Bleo I said i was gonna get you guys, I kept forgetting its a tiny bag:

And I will update later how the day went if I had more nausea or if I passed out for 4.5 hours again :-P cya!

9:45pm O:3 P:1 N:4 T:5
So I made it through the day without crashing, I have been very tired and I was worried that if I did go to sleep it would be for 3+ hours.  I have had a few instances of pretty strong nausea but they were quick to swell and fade.  I was able to eat lunch and dinner though but nothing has any taste aside from this one mustard which I put on things which shouldn't have mustard on it... so it would have a flavor HA.  I am going to try and stay up until 10:30 at least so I can get a good nights sleep before day 3.  I read through all my Round 1 week 1 posts and day 3 is when things started going down hill so I am hoping I don't repeat that.  I am going to try and stay awake and continually drink water and little snacks, maybe some odwallas if I can't stomach anything else if my wife can go grab them or maybe on the way home.  As for work, on of my co-workers pointed out something today.  Going in during business hours might be a bad thing with all the germs etc around however I could go in later and do my sync up of my work and pull down the current baselines and run a few tests our licenses won't let me do from home so I am debating that approach.  Seems like we are going to get the keys to our new place early this sunday so we might be able to take a little field trip and check out the new house!  With everything going on right now with me honestly I don't remember much about the inside of the house I was distracted to say the least when we saw it.  I am also considering taking a few days off for moving next week and the following week probably as vacation days since I don't have it in me to work extra hours to try and flex that time away.  I will see you guys/gals tomorrow! (Btw google bugged me about adding AdSense to my site since I have gotten lots of hits so I figured why not.. if it gets crazy or in the way i will just remove it)


  1. Good morning dear. I'm still sick myself, but sure wish I wasn't so I could come see you and help you get rid of some of that "boredom" you're experiencing with a spirited board game of some kind :) ~ your choice, I've got tons! Anyway, stay positive, think happy thoughts, and be strong through this yucky treatment day. I love you!

  2. Mike - You just convinced me not to go into the office today to have lunch with my friends.. I had not been going out and thus was not wearing a mask but I will be now. Thanks for the heads up on my blog about the food and on hear about the mask.

    Check in with you soon mate.

  3. I feel you on the 70+ hour weeks... wrapping things up for today and wanted to check in to see how you were doing. Cool you have adsense up and running. Another thought for a future update... video blog? Keep rocking hard!
